About Us
Working for the success of our students, teachers, and staff.
Our Mission
The C.T. English Home & School Club (CTEHSC) is a non-profit volunteer organization that supports the academic staff, our principal, and students at C.T. English Middle School. Since our beginning in November 1997, we have worked to raise funds for programs and events that enrich the learning and social experience of our children at school and in their after-school activities. The C.T. English Home and School Club funds programs which are not covered by the LPJUSD and LPEF.
Our Goals
Provide opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom
Sponsor after-school enrichment programs and social fun nights and dances for students.
Increase our fundraising efforts
Raise funds to support teacher needs and after-school enrichment programs.
Increase volunteer participation
The success of our programs and events depends on volunteer participation in our community.
C.T. English Home and School Club and LPEF
Working Together For Success
Both C.T. English Home & School Club and Loma Public Education Fund are essential to provide the support our teachers and schools need so that all students can have a successful school year.
C.T. English Home & School Club (CTEHSC)
funds enrichment programs and after-school social events that directly benefit our youth. It also funds C.T. English Middle School staff and teacher supplies. All events, programs, and supplies are financed directly from our fundraising activities throughout the year. We rely on the help of many volunteers to make these events happen. The HSC also partners with the Cheetah Sports Boosters program to help fund after-school sports.
Loma Public Education Fund (LPEF)
funds essential teachers and staff at both Loma Elementary School and C.T. English Middle School to ensure a standard of academic excellence in our district. LPEF funds C.T. English Middle School elective areas of art, music and band, theatre arts, STEM, creative tech, world language, yearbook/publications and library services. It also funds counselling services that support positive school culture and social emotional learning.
2023-2024 Board Members
President: Open Position
VP Fundraising : Open Position
VP Marketing: Jennifer Moss
VP Events : Jen Coscarat
Secretary: Open Position
Treasurer: Liz Munyi Njuguna
Parlimentarian: Kim Girard
Webmaster: Elyse Fairweather
All terms are expiring. Exisiting filled positions put forth their names for next election with the exception of President (open) and Secretary (open).
Board Meetings
Time: 4:45-5:45pm
Date: Monthly on the first Tuesday
Location: Meetings are held virtually on Google Meet. Please contact board@ctehsc.org for current Zoom link.
Meeting Agenda. You will learn about current and ongoing events, fundraising initiatives, and the volunteer efforts that support the students and staff at school.
Do you have a topic to share or discuss? Please contact us and we'll include you on the calendar.
Guest Speakers. If you are interested in being a guest speaker, please contact us and we'll include you on the calendar.
We welcome you to join us and we appreciate your involvement.
Where to find us
Mailing Address
C.T. English Home and School Club
23800 Summit Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95033